Names of negroes of William Whitaker
of Baldwin County, Ga. and their ages in 1837:
Name Age Price
Dave 55 or 60 450
Amy 58 250
Wiley 27 1,000
Dinah 43 350
Bonds 17 1,000
Betsey 9 400
Caroline 7 400
Eliza 5 350
Cater and her child
Jinney and her child, Frances 20 800
Emily and her child,
Edmond 17 800
Dick 15 900
Amy 13 650
Greasy 11 500
Bitty 9 400
John 7 450
Ned 5 300
Rasha 3 250
Elvira 19 1,000
Floid 1 0
Fanny 32 100
Lewis  13 800
Harriet 12 600
Robert 9 500
Alfred 6 400
George 4 300
Smith 2 175
Meser - 0
Bob 31 1,000
Marion  30 700
Henry  13 800
Dave 11 700
Ann 9 600
Mitchel 7 500
Martha 3 300
Flander 22 1,200
Lucy 25 800
Driver 9 450
Julian 6 400
Susan 3 250
Ellick 26 1,000
Charity 23 1,000
Anderson 7 400
Hector 5 300
Louisa 3 250
Hector 55 350
Binah 55 200
Pomp 24 900
Henry 20 1,000
Jerry 16 800
Jess 41 800
Annie 39 700
Isaac 55 150
Isaac 50 450
Abraham 43 900
Annie 31 1,000
Aaron 26 1,000
Peter 19 900
"Betsy, Elvira, Amy, Driver, and Henry, slaves of William Whitaker, are remembered by the writer. Betsy and Driver were married, as were Henry and Amy, and continued to live on the place until their death."

Will of William Whitaker, recorded in Baldwin County, 1837 states:
   "Item 4th: And it is my wish and desire that my negro woman, Clarisa, now in the possession of my brother, Simon Whitaker, be equally divided between his firs wife's children, whenever the youngest comes of age, and for my brother to keep the negro woman to aid him in raising the children until the time specified above."
   "Item 6th: and in case of the death or removal to a distance, of my son, James C. Whitaker, my son, Samuel E. Whitaker, shall then be legally authorized as one of my Executors when he comes of age, and noththing herein contained to prevent James C. Whitaker from having his lot of property, a certain negro by the name of Aaron only having regard to equality, and also I wish my mother to be supported out of my estate, with everything necessary for her comfort, and such things as may be necssary for her declining age."

Source: Our Children's Ancestry, Sarah Cantey Whitaker Allen, 1935.

Contributed by Adam L. Adolphus

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002